April 11, 2019

Mayor Kevin Newland called to order at 5:30 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance, a public hearing to address concerns and answer questions from residents regarding the Town’s potential contract with Consolidated Disposal Services to provide garbage services for all occupied residences within city limits. CDSI General Manager Mark Wash was not in attendance at the hearing. The Council heard concerns from citizens regarding mandatory collection. S. Mortimer moved to close the hearing at 6:21 pm to continue with the regularly scheduled council meeting.

Council present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Raymond Kelby, Kellie Ribail, Debbie More, and Keith Jensen. Staff present: Kaci Anderson and Lyle Komarek.

  1. Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:26 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Minutes: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve March 14, 2019, meeting minutes.
  3. Public Comments: Organizer Nicholas Odorizzi confirmed the Little Big Show would be held again this year. The car and bike show is scheduled for Saturday, June 8, 2019. Mayor Newland stated last year’s event went well.
  4. Council Concerns and Issues:
    1. K. Ribail mentioned a discussion she had with Claudia Pfeifer of the Farm Supply, regarding a possible fee for RV dumping. She said Claudia offered to keep the key and collect money for fees implemented. This is something that will be discussed more in-depth in the coming months.
    1. The Council and Clerk/Treasurer K. Anderson discussed the possibility of changing Town Hall business hours to attempt to better accommodate needs of town residents.
    1. N. Odorizzi inquired about the possibility of building a car wash in town. He wondered if the town’s current water system could support one. Councilmembers suggested he do further research on costs of building before proceeding. He said it was an idea he’d had but nothing serious as of yet.
  5. Reports
    1. Mayor’s Address
      1. Spring Clean-up Discussion: Mayor Newland asked the Council if they would prefer to continue with the Spring Clean-up program as offered in years past. The way the grant works does not allow the Town to be reimbursed for the transportation costs of hauling the spring clean-up dumpsters to and from town. Haul fees would likely be affected if the Town enters into contract with CDSI for garbage. This issue was tabled pending more detailed information.
    1. Clerk/Treasurer Report:
      1. Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the April 2019 bills as follows:

April 2019 Bills
Payroll checks 10123 – 10133         $      1,452.73
A/P checks 10108 – 10122              $      6,985.89
EFT payments                                $         952.29
Total                                              $      9,390.91

Current Account Balances
US Bank            $     114,655.62
Grant County     $     109,547.15 *
Total                  $     224,202.77

K. Anderson noted that the account balance from Grant County is accurate as of the end of March as the most recent statement had not been received yet.
  • Maintenance Report: L. Komarek provided the Council with an expense proposal and verbal description, mainly regarding weed control at the park at Town Hall. The Council approved in general and thanked him for his time.
  • Old Business:
    • Approval of Ordinance 429: Solid Waste Management: After hearing concerns from the public at the hearing prior to the meeting, the Council discussed whether there would be any options to address some of the issues. Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to table the vote on this ordinance pending further detailed revenue projections.
  • New Business:
    • Approval of WCHS Horticulture Class Planting Town Flower Pots: S. Mortimer mentioned the Town’s flower pots had been cleaned out, which needed to be done. Therefore, with new potting soil needed he estimated approximately $375 for all the pots to be planted with five large plants. Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by K. Ribail, and carried to approve paying the Wilson Creek High School class for the work in the amount quoted above.
    • Approval of Navar Street Project Award: Mayor Newland discussed meeting with Century West to open bids for construction work on the Navar Street Rehabilitation Project. Three bids were received, the lowest of which was from Central Paving of Ellensburg, Washington, in the total amount of $138,800.00. This bid is under the engineer’s estimate. Century West recommends awarding the bid to Central Paving. Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to award the Navar Street construction project to Central Paving in the amount quoted.
    • Discussion of ATM Installation/Placement: K. Anderson discussed the proposal received from an outside vendor to place a 24-hour ATM in/near Town Hall. There are no fees involved with the ATM directly, but the company would either install the machine in the wall of the building or require a concrete slab be installed to mount the machine. The Council was not in favor. No vote was taken.
    • Prior to adjournment, S. Mortimer briefly discussed possible vegetation burning at the ball field and sterilization of alleyways.
  • Adjournment: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, May 9, 2019, at 6:00 pm.

A PDF of these minutes can be viewed here: