July 12, 2018

Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers, Debbie Moore, Kellie Ribail, Raymond Kelby, and Scott Mortimer who arrived at 6:06 pm. Staff present: Kaci Anderson.

Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes: Motion made by R. Kelby, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to approve the June 14, 2018, meeting minutes.

Good News:

Airport property update: Mayor Newland received a written proposal to lease the airport property for five years, with an option to extend an additional five years, for $850 per month, plus the cost of water and a percentage of charges for events held by occupant. The Council discussed issues that need to be addressed, including:

  • Tenant to maintain airport
  • Insurance – discussed umbrella coverage through RMSA
  • Airport would remain open as a public airport
  • Town attorney will take care of lease details, including any out clauses
  • Weed control needs attention
  • Runway surface maintenance will be the Town’s responsibility – discussed possibility of piggy-backing surface work with Navar Street project
  • Remaining clean-up needs completed by previous tenants
  • Seek advice from engineers regarding runway surface maintenance needs and cost

Mayor Newland will work on contracts with the potential tenant and Town lawyer and will bring to Council for approval.

Public Comment: Lorry Pearce discussed Parks & Recreation group she has started. She is working to raise money for park playground equipment and has talked to Hooked On Toys in Wenatchee and Walmart in Ephrata for potential donations. She is also working on securing a grant for equipment, as well as various donations to hold a silent auction fundraiser. The Council agreed they would need to approve the donation to the Town as a gift, and expressed their appreciation for Lorry taking this on.

Council Concerns: None.


Clerk/Treasurer Report:

Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the July 2018 bills as follows:

July 2018 Bills                                                              Current Account Balances

Checks 9888 – 9909          $       6,696.91                     US Bank               $       115,398.02

DOL EFT                           $          144.10                     Grant County       $       108,154.81

DOR EFT                           $          467.19                     Total                     $       223,552.83

IRS EFT                             $          537.40

Total                                  $       7,845.60

Maintenance Report: Mayor Newland mentioned Josiah Justice is no longer employed by the Town, and has been replaced by Lyle Komarek, a former contractor who is doing great work so far.

Park restroom toilets have been replaced following vandalism. S. Mortimer thanked Mayor Newland for his follow-up after the incidents.

Weeds on Navar Street between First and Second streets were discussed. CS Custom Spray returned for their second visit to spray weeds around town.

Old Business

Port District update: Previously discussed (C(a)).

Approval of town logo: Anderson supplied a print-out of four logo options. The Council agreed that Option 3 was the favorite.

New Business

Annual audit: Anderson discussed the upcoming annual audit for the 2017 fiscal year. She spoke with the auditor who will be performing the Town’s audit, who estimated approximately $1,000 in cost for the Town to the State Auditor’s Office.

Adjournment: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, August 9, 2018, at 6:00 pm.


A PDF of these minutes are available here: 2018-07-12 minutes