September 8, 2022 – remote/online meeting via Google Meet
Council Present: Mayor Robert Herron, Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Jerrod Johnson, Raymond Kelby, Debbie Moore, Karl Hinze. Council Absent: None. Staff Present: Kaci Anderson.
Regular Council Meeting – 6:00 pm
- Open Meeting: Mayor Robert Herron called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led with the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Approval of Minutes: Motion made by J. Johnson, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the minutes for the regular meeting on August 11, 2022, with the following amendment: Add the name of the second speaker with Mrs. Zerr during public comment.
- Public Comment: Ms. Karen Kauffman mentioned weeds in need of attention next to Legion Park. Mayor Herron requested people contact him regarding weeds as they are noticed so Public Works can stay on top of them. Council discussed potential of second public works employee to help with mowing as well as possibility of public works certification for chemical applications and grants for weed control.
- Council Concerns and Issues:
- K. Hinze inquired about the status of the insurance claim on the old water reservoir. Council discussed use of reservoir as a non-potable water source for fire protection services, etc.
- S. Mortimer asked if the Town had heard back from H.D. Fowler. K. Anderson confirmed no correspondence has been received.
- R. Kelby asked for an update on tree trimming. No work has been completed or scheduled at this time.
- Reports
- Mayor’s Address and Maintenance/Public Works: Mayor Herron reported the following:
- Weeds: East side of town is mostly mowed.
- Ballpark: Having some issues with dead spots as there was an issue with a valve not working properly. Chris Stout helped and Mayor Herron has been cycling the water manually until we can have Kosa fix it when he performs annual winterization.
- Public Works: Mayor Herron supplied a daily itinerary, which seems to be helping stay caught up on work. Will need to decide this winter what to do regarding staffing for next year.
- K. Hinze suggested a community clean-up day for the town to work together.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
- Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by K. Hinze, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the September 2022 bills as follows:
Accounts Payable
PAYROLL: Check #10992…………………………. $ 321.66
CLAIMS: Check #10993 – 10999…………… $ 4,551.45
PAYROLL: Check #11000 – 11008 ………. $ 3,135.91
EFT payments ………………………………………………. $ 2,221.76
TOTAL …………………………………………………………….. $ 10,230.78
Bank Account Balances
U.S. Bank 8/31/2022 ………………………………….. $ 321,127.89
Grant County 7/31/2022 ………………………… $ 113,149.85
TOTAL …………………………………………………………….. $ 434,277.74
- Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by K. Hinze, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the September 2022 bills as follows:
- Mayor’s Address and Maintenance/Public Works: Mayor Herron reported the following:
- Old Business:
- Ordinance 443: Discontinuance of Water Service: Council noted the agenda incorrectly identified the ordinance as number 421. It should be 443. Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve Ordinance 443: Discontinuance of Water Service, amending Ordinance 421. J. Johnson abstained from the vote.
- Drop Box Property Use Agreement with Grant County: Council held a roll call vote:
K. Hinze – nay. D. Moore – nay. J. Johnson – nay. S. Mortimer – aye. R. Kelby – abstained. The agreement was declined.
- New Business:
- Roger Odorizzi: Mr. Odorizzi verbally presented information regarding ham radio operations and his desire to install a repeater at the airport, attached to the building to allow his current signal to reach greater distances. The radio can be used to provide emergency service communication. The Council requested a written proposal from Mr. Odorizzi and stated discussions would need to be held with the Fire District as they currently lease the building. Motion tabled pending further information from Mr. Odorizzi.
- Executive Session [RCW 42.30.110(a)(f)]: Council entered executive session to receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer at 6:58 pm for approximately 15 minutes. The executive session was extended for 15 minutes at 7:13 pm. Council resumed regular session at 7:22 pm.
Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to draft and send written response to complainant to be reviewed by the Town’s attorney before sending. J. Johnson abstained from the vote. - Adjournment: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, October 13, 2022, at 6:00 pm.