August 11, 2022 – remote/online meeting via Google Meet

Council Present: Mayor Pro-Tem Scott Mortimer, Councilmembers Jerrod Johnson, Raymond Kelby, Debbie Moore. Council Absent: Mayor Robert Herron, Councilmember Karl Hinze.  Staff Present: Kaci Anderson.

Regular Council Meeting – 6:00 pm

  1. Open Meeting: Mayor Pro-Tem Scott Mortimer called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm and led with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Approval of Minutes: Motion made by R. Kelby, seconded by J. Johnson, and carried to approve the minutes for the regular meeting on July 14, 2022.
  3. Public Comment: Mrs. Susan Zerr and her daughter, Shelby, joined the meeting remotely and voiced complaints regarding Councilmember Jerrod Johnson. Mayor Pro-Tem Mortimer assured Mrs. Zerr that the information has been noted and the Council will need to consider the situation in a future executive session with Mayor Herron in attendance.
  4. Council Concerns and Issues:
    1. S. Mortimer mentioned the radar speed sign placed in town by the Grant County Sheriff’s Office at no cost to the town.
    2. R. Kelby discussed concerns about weeds in town. D. Moore suggested potentially hiring a second employee to mow, to free up time for the Public Works employee.
    3. Mr. Bill Nichols inquired about who is responsible for weeds on the road easements.
  5. Reports
    1. Mayor’s Address and Maintenance/Public Works: No report.
    2. Clerk/Treasurer Report
      1. Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the August 2022 bills as follows:

        Accounts Payable
        PAYROLL: Check #10976 – 10984……….. $      3,070.39
        VOID #10977, #10978
        CLAIMS: Check #10985 – 10991…………… $      6,444.25
        EFT payments ……………………………………………….  $      1,971.57
        TOTAL ……………………………………………………………..  $    11,486.21

        Bank Account Balances 7/31/22
        U.S. Bank ………………………………………………………….. $  323,386.17
        Grant County …………………………………………………  $  113,149.85
        TOTAL ……………………………………………………………..  $  436,536.02
      2. Old Business:
        1. Ordinance 443: Discontinuance of Water Service: Council noted the agenda incorrectly identified the ordinance as number 421. It should be 443. Motion made by R. Kelby, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the first reading of Ordinance 443: Discontinuance of Water Service, amending Ordinance 421.
        2. Updates from Core & Main: K. Anderson shared that the previously approved quote from Core & Main regarding new water meters has been cancelled due to findings during a visit from Core & Main. The town needs to confirm sizes of all existing meters, and quantities of each size, to proceed.
  6. New Business:
    1. Drop Box Property Use Agreement with Grant County: K. Anderson confirmed with Michelle Jaderlund that the ballot drop box in question would be a permanent one, cemented in. A photo of a similar one in Soap Lake was provided. Motion made by J. Johnson, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to table this item until the next meeting when Mayor Herron and all councilmembers are present.
  7. Adjournment: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 6:00 pm.