Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Jerrod Johnson, Raymond Kelby, and Karl Hinze. Staff Present: Kaci Anderson.
Budget Hearing – 6:00 pm
- Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm and led with the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Review Proposed 2022 Budget: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the budget as proposed for 2022.
Regular Council Meeting – immediately following
- Approval of Minutes: Motion made by K. Hinze, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the minutes for the regular meeting on October 14, 2021.
- Public Comment:
- Request for Reinstatement of Water Access: The Council discussed the current state of the property in question in regards to building permits. Mayor Newland and the clerk K. Anderson clarified that the property has no current building permits with the Town nor has the property owner applied for one at any time. Building permits may have been obtained previously through Grant County before the Town took over permitting. After discussion, the Council agreed that water access cannot be granted without the appropriate building permits. Council instructed the clerk to draft a letter for Councilmember approval prior to being mailed to the customer. Motion made by K. Hinze, seconded by J. Johnson, and carried to deny water access at the property in question, pending building permit application and approval.
- Council Concerns and Issues:
- Council expressed concern about the lone standing variance previously and temporarily granted pending building permit approval. That variance had no specific end date listed. Council agreed this issue will need to be revisited soon in order to ensure all residents are being treated fairly.
- A street light on 4th Street is not working properly.
- S. Mortimer expressed concern about some hydrants not draining properly and the potential for them to freeze in the coming winter months.
- Council noted the Armed Forces flags in town look great for Veterans Day.
- Reports
- Mayor’s Address: Mayor Newland has no updates to share.
- Maintenance/Public Works Report: Mayor Newland shared the following:
- The solid side of the RV dump was pumped and inspected. The liquid/water side cannot be inspected unless the lid is first dug up for access.
- There have been issues with keeping the chlorine line on and open to pump into the water system. The system potentially needs a new check valve. Council agreed the part should be purchased.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
- Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the November 2021 bills as follows:
Accounts Payable
PAYROLL: Check numbers 10792 – 10802 …………….. $ 2,195.01
CLAIMS: Check numbers 10803 – 10813 ……………….. $ 12,087.51
EFT payments ……………………………………………………………….. $ 2,030.98
VOID: Check number 10807 …………………………………………. $ 94.13 –
VOID: Check number 10798 …………………………………………. $ 22.92 –
TOTAL ……………………………………………………………………………… $ 16,313.50
Bank Account Balances 10/31/21
U.S. Bank ……………….. $ 235,316.60
Grant County ……….. $ 112,527.77
TOTAL …………………… $ 347,844.37
K. Anderson noted the balance with the Grant County Treasurer is as of 9/30/2021, as the October report was not received prior to the meeting.
- Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the November 2021 bills as follows:
- New Business:
- Ordinance 438: 2022 Budget: Motion made by K. Hinze, seconded by J. Johnson, and carried to approve Ordinance 438: 2022 Budget.
- Resolution 2021-01: 2022 Levy & Property Tax Increase: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve Resolution 2021-01: 2022 Levy & Property Tax Increase.
- Council revisited the previously discussed standing occupancy variance. Motion made by J. Johnson, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to table the issue in order to gather further information and obtain legal advice.
- Executive Session [RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)]: Council entered into executive session at 7:21 pm for approximately 5 minutes. At 7:26 pm, Council requested an additional 20 minutes. Council returned to regular session at 7:43 pm. No actions were taken nor decisions made during executive session.
- Adjournment: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Hinze,, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 6:00 pm.