Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Karl Hinze, Jerrod Johnson, Raymond Kelby, and Debbie Moore. Staff Present: Kaci Anderson, Michael Wyman, and Jake Moore. Visitors: Mike Conley via Google Meet, and Roy Hancock.
Regular Council Meeting – 6:00 pm
- Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm and led with the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Approval of Minutes: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the minutes for the regular meeting on July 8, 2021.
- Public Comment: None.
- Executive Session [RCW 42.30.110(1)(a)(i)(i)]: Council entered executive session at 6:05 pm for an estimated 15 minutes. At 6:20 pm, council extended executive session for an additional 15 minutes. At 6:30 pm, council extended executive session for an additional 10 minutes. Council resumed regular session at 6:41 pm. No decisions were made nor votes taken during executive session.
- Council Concerns and Issues:
- J. Johnson addressed the council regarding the stop sign on Railroad Street. Council discussed source of funding for potential additional signage. Council reached a consensus to add orange flags to the existing stop sign
- S. Mortimer mentioned the recycling program. Council discussed the future of the program.
- Council discussed the condition of Railroad Street after work through TIB grant. Mayor Newland confirmed the grant is supposed to cover painting/striping.
- Reports
- Mayor’s Address: Mayor Newland shared the following:
- Approval of Stop Sign Purchase for Railroad Street: After previous discussion, motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to allow Mayor Newland to approve purchase of signage at his discretion if the Town is awarded funding via RMSA Loss Prevention grant.
- Mayor Newland has applied for a grant through TIB for 2022, for work on 2nd and 4th streets from Railroad to Sprague.
- Mayor Newland asked Council about getting rid of hydrants and iron. Motion made by K. Hinze, seconded by J. Johnson, and carried to surplus the hydrants.
- Council discussed the iron grates surrounding trees in town. Consensus was reached to get rid of extra/old tires to store the grates to avoid costs of replacing grates in the future if necessary.
- Mayor Newland shared with the Council that the employee with Grant County Emergency Management he’s been working with regarding the flood study, is leaving employment with the county.
- Maintenance/Public Works Report:
- J. Moore shared a list of work recently completed by Public Works, including: preparing curbs to be repainted, tree trimming, park sprinklers, ball field parking lot maintenance, S10 tune-up, storm drains, electrical work on streets and the pump house, backhoe preventative maintenance, and weed control. He discussed the benefits to the Town in purchasing a lawn sweeper to attach to the mower. The sweeper costs approximately $320-325. Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the purchase of the lawn sweeper as discussed.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
- Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the August 2021 bills as follows:
Accounts Payable
PAYROLL: Check numbers 10721 – 10731 ………………… $ 3,082.39
CLAIMS: Check numbers 10732 – 10740 ……………………. $ 3,002.88
EFT payments …………………………………………………………………. $ 2,672.52
TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………. $ 8,757.79
Bank Account Balances 7/31/2021
U.S. Bank ………………… $ 251,865.69
Grant County ………… $ 112,413.35
TOTAL ……………………. $ 364,279.04
- Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the August 2021 bills as follows:
- Mayor’s Address: Mayor Newland shared the following:
- Old Business:
- Council Rules of Procedure: Council discussed removal of certain language (i.e., “grandstanding”) and ensuring language was included regarding ejecting councilmembers due to vulgar language, etc.
- Ordinance 437: Business License Fees: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by J. Johnson, and carried to approve Ordinance 437: Business License Fees.
- New Business: None.
- Adjournment: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 6:00 pm.