April 9, 2020 – remote/online meeting via Zoom

Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Raymond Kelby, Earl Justice, Debbie Moore, and Keith Jensen. Staff Present: Kaci Anderson.

  1. Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.
  2. Approval of Minutes: Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the minutes for the regular meeting on March 12, 2020, with one change: Mayor Newland suggested removing names of residents in conflict.
  3. Public Comment:
    1. K. Anderson supplied information from school employees/community members regarding hanging banners in town to celebrate the graduating class of 2020. Volunteers would hang them and there would be no cost to the Town. Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to allow volunteers to hang banners on Town light poles.
  4. Council Concerns:
    1. S. Mortimer inquired about the potential airport lease with Gem Air. Mayor Newland clarified that the sample contract provided was easy to misunderstand, and that the $100/year was a misinterpretation. He reported the offer actually is $1,000 per year for an airport management fee, and $200 per year for rent, for a total of $1,200 per year. He would like to see $1,400 per year. Gem Air would also pay for water use using the truck fill rate until the meter is fixed. After the backhoe repairs are finished, the water line to the airport can be fixed and then water use can be billed off the meter. S. Mortimer also reported that he spoke to Mr. Meise and he is on track to remove tanks from the airport property. K. Anderson will contact Mr. Meise directly as well.
    2. S. Mortimer would like to start taking steps to install the playground equipment with Jerry and Lorry Pearce. The location was verified – equipment is to be placed east of the picnic shelter. Mayor Newland stated water will be turned on soon at the park so sprinkler heads and water lines can be located. S. Mortimer added that the footprint of the equipment is 47×37 feet, and the Pearces will mark the ground for the hopeful location prior to work.
  5. Reports
    1. Mayor’s Address: Mayor Newland discussed the following:
      1. He and K. Anderson applied for and were awarded $4,717 in grant monies from RMSA. This is a loss prevention grant aimed at updating handicap-accessible parking in the rear of Town Hall to meet ADA standards. The focus would be to put down surfacing, cement or otherwise.
    2. Maintenance/Public Works Report: Mayor Newland discussed the following:
      1. The backhoe should be fixed by the end of the week. Part pricing issues were reported by Mr. Lutz, but the cost should remain as originally quotes as any part pricing issues are between Mr. Lutz and his supplier. The final quote amount was verified at $1,144.44 total.
      2. Mayor Newland asked for opinions regarding trimming tree branches at the park, particularly or only near the playground equipment. He is concerned about potential safety issues. S. Mortimer stated a tree trimmer was used by the Town previously and he remembered the rates being more affordable than many companies. K. Anderson will research.
      3. L. Komarek and S. Mortimer burned weeds along Railroad Street over the weekend. Mayor Newland and S. Mortimer both agreed the weed situation looks good right now.
      4. Approximately $1,400 in weed control products will likely be purchased soon. This amount is already budgeted for, but Mayor Newland wanted to give a heads up on the expense. He will also push for a discount for the large order from 4 Seasons in Ephrata.
    3. Clerk/Treasurer Report:
      1. Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the April 2020 bills as follows:

        April 2020 Bills
        Payroll checks 10400 – 10409     $       2,062.62
        A/P checks 10410 – 10422          $       5,690.62
        EFT – L&I                                    $          126.83
        EFT – ESD (PFML)                      $              9.62
        EFT – IRS                                    $          453.15
        EFT – DOR                                  $          417.84
        Total                                             $       8,760.98

        Accounts Balances as of 3/2020
        US Bank            $    148,510.02
        Grant County    $    111,785.83
        Total                  $    260,295.85
  6. Old Business: Details regarding FFA filling the Town flower pots was clarified and work on them will continue.
  7. New Business: None.
  8. Adjournment: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by E. Justice, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:26 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, May 14, 2020, at 6:00 pm.