October 11, 2018
Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Keith Jensen, Raymond Kelby, Debbie Moore, and Scott Mortimer, who arrived at 6:06 pm. Staff present: Kaci Anderson, Chris Stout.
- Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Newland was excused immediately following the opening of the meeting. Councilman Mortimer chaired the remainder of the meeting.
- Minutes: Motion made by R. Kelby, seconded by K. Ribail, and carried to approve the September 13, 2018, meeting minutes.
- Public Comment:
- Council Concerns: Mortimer mentioned the old pumping station at the airport should have a lock.
- Reports
- Mayor’s Address
- Thank you to students and Jackie Floetke of Wilson Creek High School: Appreciation was shown for their work painting picnic tables at the park and pulling weeds around town.
- Thank you to Keith Jensen: The Mayor recognized Keith for his work pulling weeds on the walking trail. Keith mentioned he also intends to blow the gravel off the trail as well.
- Insurance rate update: It was noted that the airport property has been added to the Town’s insurance at no additional cost for the remainder of the year.
- Public Works staff update: Lyle Komarek is currently on a hunting trip, so work has slowed. The Council mentioned a school employee’s father who is retiring and may be interested in some Public Works work.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report:
- Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by K. Ribail, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the October 2018 bills as follows:
- Mayor’s Address
October 2018 Bills Current Account Balances
A/P Checks 9970 – 9979 $ 4,844.09 US Bank $ 116,313.07
Payroll Checks 9980 – 9990 $ 2,618.64 Grant County $ 108,656.74
EFT payments $ 987.05 Total $ 219,191.02
Total $ 8,449.78
- Maintenance Report: Stout listed work he has been focusing on recently, including yard waste pick-up, insulating water meters and servicing the back hoe. He plans to blow out the sprinklers soon and is also looking at a new chlorinator pump to have as a back-up. Plumbing from the chlorinator to the well will also be replaced.
- Old Business:
- Mayor Newland wanted it to be known that the Town and school reached an agreement regarding the North Central Regional Library quarterly payments, without needing to attend the school board meeting. The school agreed to pay 60% of the cost, up from 50%.
- A draft lease for the airport property between the Town and Fire District 12 was supplied to S. Mortimer.
- New Business:
- Discussion of Increased Councilmember Compensation: Mayor Newland is interested in raising councilmember compensation from $25 per meeting, before taxes, by 10%. The Council agreed the Mayor’s pay should also be increased. K. Ribail mentioned an RCW regarding Councils voting for their own pay increases. The matter was tabled, pending further research.
- Adjournment: Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, November 8, 2018, at 6:00 pm.
A PDF of these minutes is available here: 2018-10-11 minutes