January 11, 2018

Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Debbie Moore, Kellie Ribail, Scott Mortimer, and Raymond Kelby. Staff present: Kaci Anderson and Chris Stout. Sam Friel, representing Port District 6, was also in attendance to discuss agenda item (E)(a).

Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Oath of Office, Debbie Moore: Mayor Newland administered the Oath of Office to officially appoint Debbie Moore onto the council, position 2.

Minutes: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the minutes from both the regular meeting on December 14, 2017, and the special meeting on December 19, 2017.

Good News: Mayor Newland presented Certificates of Election to councilmembers who were re-elected in the November 2017 election: Kellie Ribail, position 3, Scott Mortimer, position 4, and Raymond Kelby, position 5. Mayor Newland also received his Certificate of Election.

Public Comment: Port District 6 representative Sam Friel attended the meeting to discuss the lease renewal of the airport property. Mayor Newland welcome Mr. Friel, stating the intent of this meeting would be to gather a better idea of the Port’s view on the lease and its renewal. The Council and Mayor outlined concerns regarding the airport property and its lease, including but not limited to: monthly rent amount, security of the property, subleasing the property and use of the property by those subleasing, liability insurance coverage, buildings and improvements, and maintenance. Mr. Friel asked for a formal proposal to be delivered to the Port commissioners, via Roger Blackman. The Council and Mayor Newland agreed and will draft a proposal.

Council Concerns:

Concerns regarding the Town’s agreement with the local Fire District were discussed, regarding fire hydrant painting and storage.


Clerk/Treasurer Report: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the January 2018 bills, including a void of check number 9755 in the amount of $45.89:

Check #9742-9766            $     16,651.33              Account Balances

IRS EFT                             $          221.85                     US Bank               $       114,279.65

DOR EFT                           $          536.52                     Grant County       $     106,905.45*

Total                                  $     17,409.70                     Total                     $       218,137.72

Anderson noted the account balance with Grant County as listed is accurate as of November 30, 2017, as a December statement had not been received prior to the meeting.

Maintenance Report:

Stout said he used the snow plow and it works, noting he didn’t log many hours in December because he was anticipating more winter weather than we received. His water exam is scheduled for later in January. He will also fix the snow blower.

Mortimer expressed concerns about the fuel being used in the small engines and wanted to ensure the proper fuel type was being used. He also suggested one or two gas cans be purchased to store fuel.

Regarding snow removal, S. Mortimer said the truck discussed at previous meetings was not a good price and he will continue to look at other options for the Town.

Old Business


Mayor Newland reminded the Council about the community meeting with Grant County Sheriff’s Office at the Wilson Creek School on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at 6:00 pm, to discuss community safety.

The Council retreat/special meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday, February 6, 2018, at 5:00 pm at the Harvest Moon in Wilson Creek.

Burn Permit: The Town received an extension on the burn permit from the Department of Ecology.

New Business:

Grant Transit Authority Board of Directors: Mayor Newland expressed his interest in continuing to serve on the GTA Board. Motion made by R. Kelby, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried for Mayor Newland to continue to serve as a Director on the GTA Board.

Grant County Health District: Mayor Newland expressed his interest in becoming an alternate board member for the Grant County Health District. Motion made by R. Kelby, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to elect Mayor Newland as the Town’s representative as an alternate for the Grant County Health District Board.

Termination of Interlocal Agreement for Building Permit Services with Grant County: The Town received a letter from Grant County stating the County is choosing to terminate the agreement with the Town regarding building permits, meaning the County will no longer be collecting money for nor enforcing building permits in the Town of Wilson Creek. Mayor Newland supplied information about Northwest Code Professionals (NWCP), a third-party company that many neighboring small towns utilize. The Council would like to discuss this further at the February 6 special meeting.

Adjournment: Motion made by R Kelby, seconded by K. Ribail, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, February 8, 2018, at 6:00 pm.