February 8, 2018

Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Kellie Ribail, Keith Jensen, Scott Mortimer, and Raymond Kelby. Staff present: Kaci Anderson.

Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve the minutes from both the regular meeting on January 11, 2018, and the special meeting on February 6, 2018.

Good News: Ken Jones, Chief Deputy with the Grant County Sheriff’s Office, approved the location in Town Hall to set up a sub-station. Work will begin soon to prepare for the opening.

Public Comment: A resident inquired about the action taken regarding building permits at the special meeting. Since meeting minutes had not yet been published, Mayor Newland clarified that Grant County is no longer enforcing or issuing building permits for the Town, and the Town has thus opted to enter into a contract with Northwest Code Professionals for enforcement.

Council Concerns:


Clerk/Treasurer Report:

Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the February 2018 bills as follows:

Check #9767-9786            $       4,693.20              Account Balances

IRS EFT correction            $              3.37                     US Bank               $       102,988.41

IRS EFT                             $          255.64                     Grant County       $     107,203.02*

Total                                  $       4,952.21                     Total                     $       210,191.43

Anderson noted the account balance with Grant County as listed is accurate as of December 31, 2017, as a January statement had not been received prior to the meeting.

K. Anderson discussed redesigning the Town’s website to bring it more up-to-date. Two options were outlined working with the Town’s current host, First Step Internet, both require hosting at $30/month or $300/year and includes administering up to 25 email addresses, and a one-time transfer. Option A: $75/hour fee for an estimated 24-30 hours of work building the website. Option B: A blank template would be built for Town employees to complete. Motion made by R. Kelby, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve Option B as outlined.

New state laws passed regarding minimum wage and sick leave, effective January 1, 2018, requiring the Town to offer paid sick leave to employees. Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve Ordinance #425 and attached policy regarding sick leave.

Maintenance Report:

Stout passed his water exam and is now a certified water manager.

The snow blower needed work and still requires specific parts that are not easy to find.

A window in the council meeting room needs fixed as soon as possible.

Old Business

Sale of GMC: Mortimer delivered a check for $2,000.00 in exchange for a Bill of Sale, to be delivered to the purchaser the following day.

Port District Update: No response from Port District 6 has been received yet as they have not had their monthly meeting.

New Business: The Council wanted to thank fellow councilmember Debbie Moore for donating the meal following the special meeting on February 6.

Adjournment: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, March 8, 2018, at 6:00 pm.


PDF version of these minutes available here:  2018-02-08 minutes